Malachi 2:1-16
Be Still: Lord Jesus, help me to see you in the pages of the reading today. Work in me and lead me to what you want me to hear and how I should walk. Amen
Read: Malachi 2:1-16
So be on your guard and do not be unfaithful. (v 16)
Encounter: I have been happily married for 18 years. On our wedding day at St. Paul’s church in Birmingham, among other things we vowed to be faithful to each other in sickness and health, for richer or for poorer until death do us part. In those years, we’ve raised our two beautiful kids and gone on many adventures. My wife has been there for me, and I have been there for her.
In this passage, God reminds us that marriage is built on a foundation of faithfulness between partners.
In the New Testament, the apostle Paul tells us that marriage is an illustration of Jesus’ relationship with the church. 'He gave up his life for her to make her clean and holy' (Ephesians 5:25). Marriage should strive to imitate Jesus’ sacrificial love for each other in all things. We don’t always get it right, but our journey is always about direction not perfection.
Apply: All our relationships should be characterised by faithfulness. Faithfulness to God and faithfulness to others. Where am I failing to be faithful in word and thought in my relationships? Do the things I spend my time on demonstrate faithfulness or do they reveal selfishness? Maybe It would be good to take stock of my relationships and see how I am tending to them. Do the things I am pursuing promote connection with others or disconnection?
Devote: Lord, let my life be characterised by faithfulness. Help me to see where I am being unfaithful in any aspect of my relationships. Holy Spirit, lead me to love in the sacrificial way that Jesus loves.