1 Corinthians 8

Be Still: Lord, I give you this day and specifically this moment. Help me shift my attention away from the distractions of life and toward you and your presence. (Pause for a moment, close your eyes, and breathe) Come, lead me and guide me today. I invite you into the depths of my heart.

Read: 1 Corinthians 8
We know that we all possess knowledge. But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. Those who think they know something do not yet know as they ought to know.
(vv 1a-2)

Encounter: This week, we’ve spent time reflecting on passages about our behaviour and decisions—considering what it looks like to better follow Jesus in a society that often teaches differently.

This is, of course, a good and worthy focus. Seeking to be more like Jesus is always a very good goal. However, we must guard against it becoming merely an intellectual or religious exercise. Growing in christ-likeness, integrity, and purity must always be an act rooted in and driven by love.

Love is what fuels significant and sustainable growth in our walk with Jesus. Love is what empowers us to encourage others in their own journey of faith. Love is what reveals the truth and power of Jesus to those who don’t yet know Him.

God has given us the incredible gift of his Word to guide us in life. But if we approach it without love for him and without understanding his immense love for us, it becomes little more than a list of rules or instructions.

Knowledge on its own can lead to arrogance, but love transforms knowledge into a powerful force for good. Let us seek not just to know, but to love, so that we may reflect Christ’s character in everything we do.

Apply: Take a moment to remind yourself when you fell in love with Jesus, or a time when Jesus demonstrated his love for you in a significant way. Ask yourself: do you live the way you do because you love Jesus and he loves you, or because you are trying to earn love or acceptance?

Devote: Jesus, flood my mind, heart, and soul with your love today. Break down anything that hinders me from fully embracing the extraordinary love you have for me. Lead me into greater depths of love for you.


1 Corinthians 9:1-14


1 Corinthians 7:25-40