John 20:1-10
Be Still: Lord, open my eyes to see you and make your word alive in me today. Amen
Read: John 20:1-10
Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. (v1)
Encounter: Winter is not my favourite season. Not only is it very cold, it has very short days. There is nothing worse than getting up when it’s dark, going to work and returning home in the dark again. Darkness can be scary, there is the uncertainty of what lies ahead. The things that looked familiar in the light now look very different.
When reading this passage, I noticed something I hadn’t before. In verse one, we read that Mary Magdalene went to Jesus’ tomb ‘early’ and ‘when it was still dark’, a small but significant point. Mary Magdalene could have set off a little later when the sun had risen but she couldn't wait; she went at a time of day, with little visibility -- and she found an empty tomb. Jesus had risen!
Mary Magdalene setting off early and in the dark, reminds me that the best thing to do when facing seasons where life feels dark, scary and uncertain, is to seek Jesus - no hanging back! When we seek him, we will, like Mary find that the tomb is empty. The best news there is! Jesus has defeated death, and he is alive today. If we seek him in the dark, we will find light. Jesus promises: ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12)
Apply: Take time to consider the areas of your life that feel uncertain -- surrender them to Jesus and allow his light to shine into those areas.
Devote: Father, thank you that we can walk in light with you. Help us to recognise that especially when times are dark.