All The World’s A Stage…

James 2:18 (NIV) —

‘Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.’

Jesus often described the teachers of the law and Pharisees as hypocrites. While the word did have its modern sense of someone who says one thing and does another, the literal meaning of the Greek word was 'actors'.

Then, as now, an actor on the stage was someone who performed, whose words and actions were purely to be seen by an audience and (hopefully) applauded. In using that word, Jesus is accusing his opponents of acting the part - purely for their own satisfaction and the approval of the onlookers. That can raise a dilemma for some Christians whose service is seen by others – leading worship, helping at a food bank, even writing devotionals: if I get praise or applause for what I do, does that mean I shouldn’t be doing it?

When I was a very new Christian, such ideas troubled me. My often over-analytical brain would pose the question: 'If I see an old lady having problems crossing the street, and I help her, and then I feel pleased and proud of myself for doing so, does that mean that I shouldn’t have helped her, because it led me into the sin of pride?’ Fortunately after some wrestling with the dilemma, common sense prevailed! Jesus makes it perfectly clear that whenever we are faced with the opportunity to do a loving deed, we should do it. He can deal with any pride that follows, quite separately.

So here’s the deal: just do it. Do the good deed. Do it for Jesus. Silence that inner impostor-voice that accuses you of doing it for pride or for applause. Jesus wants the hungry fed, the oppressed set free, and good news proclaimed to the poor. Do it for him, and if you get applause for it, you know Who that belongs to!

Prayer - Lord, show me what good I can do today, lead me to people I can bless, and please keep my motives right!


An Attitude Of …?


Whose Image Is This?