An Easter Saturday De-Brief Imagined

Acts 4: 26-30 (NRSV) —

‘The kings of the earth took their stand and the rulers have gathered together against the Lord and against his Messiah.’ (Peter quotes Psalm2)

‘For in this city, in fact, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.  And now, Lord, look at their threats, and grant to your servants to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.’

Governor Pilate has called this meeting. High Priest Caiaphas and Senior Pharisee Johanan ben Itzhak delayed until Shabbat was over. Also there, ‘King’ Herod Antipas and Joseph ben Logz who’d rounded up the rent-a-mob.

‘Thank you all for coming,’ opens Pilate, ‘Fortunately, the whole business was sorted very smoothly. I’m glad you alerted me and saw to your end so… efficiently. It’s what Rome does so well: Quelling. Nobody can be in two minds; this escapade is finished. He’s destroyed, not just destroyed, he’s finished - the whole thing, the whole movement: finished. Nothing says ‘finished’ like a Roman execution.’

A somewhat reluctant murmur of agreement, then Caiaphas had to jump in, ‘Absolutely, your Excellency. I say ‘Better for one man to die for the nation.’ Well, this one’s death has surely saved a few others....’

Herod (particularly smug) ‘A lesson for everyone! Another futile usurper hung up in full view should be a warning: don't try to wrest the kingship-anointing from those to whom God has granted divine right.’

The Pharisee would like more debate: ‘I believe we have served God well in disposing of the alarming danger to us all posed by demonstrably errant false prophets. I’d say a most satisfactory result.’

And finally, feeling himself to be ‘voice of the people’, Joseph, ‘Very pleased to be of service. Something very fishy about him. Rumours are that he wasn’t even Jewish, Egyptian some say.’

Five such men really did live through that Saturday evening. Relieved it was over, they slept soundly in the satisfaction that nothing more would be heard of Jesus of Nazareth. At that point, on that post-Sabbath evening, they had no inkling of what would change in just a few hours.

Early next morning, Mary went to the tomb…

Prayer - ‘Thine be the glory risen, conquering Son’. It’s your name, above all names, I bow to now. The worst that humanity could throw at you, you met and overcame with meekness and faith in the Father’s will and plan. Grant me a measure of that faith.


The Powers Gather


‘We Had Hoped’