Book Club: Empathy

Hebrews 4:15 (NIV)

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.”

I have always been someone who has unrealistic expectations of myself. My actions are the definition of all or nothing. Because of this, I often start my week by deciding to completely overhaul my God habits and my initial to-do list looks a little like this:

  • Wake up at 5am 

  • Read the GS Devotionals in depth for an hour everyday

  • Run a marathon 

  • Be perfect at everything + never stop praying 

You probably think I’m joking, but that is what my mind does. Unsurprisingly I never tick any of it off and I often feel disappointed and weak by Friday. Anyone else?

Reading Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund completely changed my view of what being a successful Christian and human being looks like. This beautiful book that explores the depths of Christ’s true heart, showed me that Jesus is gentle, lowly, loving and has deep sympathy for us as we pursue relationship with him and with others. My favourite quotation from the book says: ‘If you are in Christ, you have a Friend who, in your sorrow, will never lob down a pep talk from heaven. He cannot bear to hold himself at a distance. Nothing can hold him back. His heart is too bound up with yours.’ I think this truth takes the pressure off us to be the perfect disciple in our own strength. It reminds us that Jesus 'gets' us and all we need to do is let him love us and be our closest friend.

I hope you can take a moment to receive this truth today. Perhaps your week has already not matched up to your expectations and you need to know that Jesus isn’t disappointed. He’s gentle with us, he loves us and he sympathises with us. 

Prayer Jesus, thank you for your gentleness. I know that you empathize with my deepest struggles and love me through them. Help me receive this truth today.


Book Club: Reflection


Book Club: Spirit