Born Identity

2 Corinthians 5:17 (MSG)

Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life emerges!

I feel at this stage I should shatter any illusions that I am a huge fan of Jason Bourne. I am not! What I am, is a huge fan of the 'born identity' we have in Christ as his followers. Once we accept him into our lives, we are a new creation and can be sure of our identity; we can be sure that we are loved and cherished by the King of Kings. 

I was chatting to a friend about our favourite part of the wedding service. Mine is when the groom turns towards his bride as she starts to walk down the aisle with a look on of such love and wonder at this beautiful woman he is about to marry. It always makes me tingle and tear up. This is how our heavenly Father sees us each moment of each day. There is nothing that can get in the way or change how he feels about his precious child. 

That is huge and life changing. I don’t know about you, but I may understand that in my head, but it struggles to take root in my heart. I can still feel pretty rubbish and worthless; I can still feel unloved and not good enough. But our identity in Christ is promised by God, and he does not break his promises. For many of us, myself included, we need to remind ourselves daily, sometimes hourly that we are a new creation; we are loved unconditionally by our heavenly Father. Over the next couple of days, I want to look further about grasping this identity and how it affects how we live our lives and those around us. 

Prayer Lord, thank you that I am a new creation – I am loved by the King of Kings, loved unconditionally - without limit. I pray for a fresh understanding of that today.


Born Identity — Relationships


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