Born Identity — Generosity

Proverbs 11:24 (MSG)

The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller.

Psalm 139:14 (MSG)

 Body and soul, I am marvellously made!

If understanding our born identity in Christ changes who we are, it will inevitably change what we do, how we behave. Let’s look at generosity. By this I don't just mean how much we financially give, but rather wider than that. How generous are we with the gift of encouraging words to others? How generous are we with our time for people who need it? How generous are we when someone hurts us - do we choose to give them the benefit of the doubt? 

You may read this and be thinking that this has very little to do with our unique identity in Christ and the affirmation in Psalm 139 that ‘Body and soul, I am marvellously made.' I would respectfully and generously (of course!) disagree. If we have developed a deep understanding of the Heavenly Father 's love, our personal uniquely wonderful creation and the purpose he has for us, then we are set free to step into generosity like never before. We can be generous with our words and encouragement of others without jealousy or inadequacy. 

Understanding our Father’s love for us, such immeasurable love that he gave his life for us, prompts us to step more readily into forgiveness, willing to accept our own and others’ failings rather than jumping to condemn. Financially, what can often curb our generosity is fear: fear that if we give courageously and sacrificially (whatever that looks like for us) what will happen? But if at our core we can start to grasp our identity in Christ, then we understand that he will not leave us nor let us down. We are promised that he ‘will provide all our needs according to his riches in glory’. 

Prayer Dear Lord, thank you that our identity in Christ releases us into such a freedom and depth of relationships with those around us. I pray for a renewed generosity with those around me today.


Born Identity — Evangelism


Born Identity — Relationships