Born To Give

1 Corinthians 12:17 (NLT) —

‘If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?’

When I was 18, I went on a gap year. My team got to live in a part of India called Mizoram. Hidden away in the mountains, the Mizo people are amazing singers. As a team we joined the local choir. The four of us sang soprano, alto, tenor and base. On their own they don’t sound good at all. Either they don’t make sense or they sound awful alone. When we sang together, we knew each other so well we could go into perfect harmony straight away. We had built a level of comfort with each other, of instinct, and we made more sense together as a team than apart. 

Similarly, in a community everyone has a different gift to bring. In a large community it is very easy to feel you are not necessary, but this isn’t the case. Just as we have unique fingerprints, God gave us gifts unique to each of us. There is only one you in this world. While you may share a similar gift with someone else, you will use this gift in an entirely different way. There is a place for you in community if you choose to actively engage in it. 

Prayer - Father, help me to identify the gifts you have given me and how I can use them within a community of people. 


Sufficient For Today


Life Support (God In Community)