
2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)

‘But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’

I don’t know about you, but there are some days, especially Monday mornings, where the thought of the day, or even week to come is just a little overwhelming. Maybe you’ve watched online church on Sunday and felt super fired up to face the week… but then it hits, and it’s Monday all over again, and the fire feels more like it’s been extinguished.

A couple of weeks ago I was 100% feeling this way. I knew it’d be a difficult day and so I put on my big girl pants and faced the walk to work. Getting ready to go onto a ward, feeling exhausted before I’d even started, I grabbed my respirator mask hood and as I glanced down to fasten the heavy uncomfortable belt, noticed that it was number 666. SERIOUSLY LORD?!  That was my silent scream… and with a roll of my eyes I clicked the battery pack into place, chuntering away under my breath whilst the oxygen started to flow.

Then slowly, with the cool air blowing, I heard the gentlest whisper say… ‘But Ali, if you turn those numbers around, it’s 999, it’s the emergency service… and I’m your rescuer, your oxygen. Plug back into me, I’m your battery pack and I’ll supply all you need today, and every day. Breathe in my love, my protection, my grace, my supply is endless and when you’re at your weakest, I am your strength.’

Corinthians 12:9 is just such a wonderful reminder of how we need to stay constantly plugged into the life source that is God; our oxygen. We should always rely on him in all we do rather than simply rely on our own energy and effort. It’s an extension of our worship when we admit our own weakness and declare God’s strength.  

Prayer Lord, when I feel like I’m floundering and doing everything in my own strength, remind me to breathe in your love as I plug back into your everlasting source of power for my life. In Jesus’ name.




Crying In The Club