Change - Your Greatest Testimony

John 9:8-9 (NIV) —

‘His neighbours and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, 'Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?' Some claimed that he was. Others said, 'No, he only looks like him.' But he himself insisted, 'I am the man.'

Many of us will remember the time when Jesus changed our life in a radical way. But it’s harder to spot the ongoing transformation God does in our hearts and minds over the years of journeying with him. 

There will be people who knew us before we had our first life-changing encounter with Jesus. Some we may meet again after a long period apart, or others whom we only see occasionally, who may notice changes in us that we ourselves don't recognise have occurred. Christian and non-christian friends can have a mixed response to these changes in us. Sometimes the ways we have changed are so significant that we need to remind our friends that we are still the same person - just living a radically different life! 

It is so encouraging to have people remind us what we were like before Jesus, and how we have changed for the better. It not only gives us confidence in the difference Jesus has already made to our life but encourages our faith and firm hope that Jesus sees us as works in progress! He will continue to grow our character day by day, more and more, to reflect his glorious nature. And if others see this on-going growth in us, it may inspire them to commit to the long journey with Jesus, allowing him in to move in their heart in beautiful ways.

Prayer — Thank you that even when I can’t see it, you’re working. Thank you when others see the difference you have made in my life, even before I see it myself. Give me confidence to tell the story of how you have moved in my life and keep me walking in step with your Spirit. 


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