Christ, Our Lawyer

John 14:26 –

‘But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.’

As a scientist, my knowledge of the law profession is limited to Netflix legal series and the infamous Legally Blonde movies.  But one thing I’ve observed from the odd episode of Law & Order, is that if you want any chance of winning the case, you need a good lawyer. As Christians the Bible describes the Holy Spirit as our advocate. In other words, he is our lawyer.

No case is too hard for him; he doesn’t specialise in one area like a earthly lawyer that just focuses on immigration law or family law; he can help with anything. There is absolutely no case he can’t take on or that is too big for him to handle. He says he is the Lord of all, is there anything too hard for Him? (Jeremiah 32:27).

Isn’t that amazing? Whenever we are in trouble or need someone to advise us, we have the best lawyer with a 100% success rate; he has never lost a case. The Bible tells us that the Enemy accuses us; he constantly reminds us of our sins but Christ, our lawyer, has already won that case so the enemy can bring nothing against us.

So today, whether the Enemy tries to bring up your past mistakes or you find yourself in a challenge you don’t how to deal with, remember you have an advocate, the Lord our great defender.

Prayer – Lord I thank you because the enemy has no right to accuse me; you already paid the price. I thank you that I don’t have to fight for myself, I can call on you for help in every situation or challenge.


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