Extravagant Healing

Mark 5 v40 (NIV) 

“He took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him and went in where the child was. He took her by the hand and said to her, ‘Little girl I say to you get up!’ Immediately the girl stood up and walked around.” 

When our son was five he came home from school with a lump on his back over the rib cage. He was a lively character and I wondered if he had broken a rib in the rough and tumble of the playground. We headed to A&E for an X-ray and were told there was a problem with his rib and the possible diagnosis was not good. We were admitted to the children’s ward and after orthopaedic consultations it was decided to do an exploratory operation the following week and he was allowed home. 

An American pastor called John Wimber was visiting my mother’s church and he was known to have a special healing ministry. We quickly arranged to take our son there to be prayed for by him the following Sunday. 

I tell this story because i really understand how Jairus felt when his young daughter became seriously ill. Jairus, who had an important role as ruler of the local Synagogue, knew that the only hope for his daughter was to ask Jesus to come and heal her. Jesus set off to his house but was distracted on the way by another woman who also needed Jesus to heal her. By the time he reached the house Jairus daughter had died, and Jesus was greeted by the mourners. Jesus went in and to the derision of the crowd told them that the girl was only sleeping. Jesus took the child’s hand and told her to get up and have something to eat. She did! 

What an extravagant healing! Imagine the joy of her parents. Again, Jesus does way more than they could ever have hoped for. 

Our son had the surgery and was found to have an unusual, but benign cyst in his rib. 

Prayer — Thank you father for your extravagant healing. Give us the faith to pray with expectation and trust for healing.


Extravagant Inclusion


Extravagant Forgiveness