Eyes Like Fire
Revelation 1:14 —
‘...and his eyes were like blazing fire.’
Have you ever read or heard something said or explained about God in a way that totally reshaped the way you understood him? For me, one of those moments early in my faith happened when I came across this quotation from Max Lucado — 'God loves you just as you are but too much to leave you that way.'
To my mind, this perfectly explains what Jesus wants us to understand when, in John’s vision, we see Jesus' eyes like a blazing fire! Just pause for a moment take in this image of Jesus.......eyes like blazing fire....
What does that description tell us about Jesus? The 'slain lamb', sitting at the right hand of the Father in the heavenly realm, has eyes that see everything we are, every thought, every desire, every feeling good and bad and in full view of all of that - still loves us. In fact, he comes to us full of grace and truth, loving and purifying, burning away all that leads to death and destruction.
In contrast to our world where love so often demands tolerance - 'accept the bad even if it's harmful'- one of Jesus’ greatest acts of love is his refining fire! Jesus’ love for us does not lessen his hatred of sin but, never for one second, does this righteous hatred overwhelm his love for us. In fact, his refusal to accept anything that harms us IS an expression of his love!
I wonder if the encouragement today is simply to entrust ourselves to Jesus. To submit ourselves to him, to believe with every fibre of our being that he loves us, and to allow his Spirit to refine us by his fire, purifying and making us new.
Prayer — Jesus thank you that your mercies renew every morning. Thank you that you keep no record of wrong. Thank you that you delight in the truth. God, I long to be refined by you. Come Holy Spirit.