Eyes Wide Shut

Hebrews 12:1-2

‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. ‘

In this strange race, the prize was for just completing. Every time another one set off, the huge crowd turned to them and just went wild, cheering them on.

Four I particularly noticed. One started off like a shot and then, before long, just stopped and sat down. Despite the cheers and waving, did not persevere another step.

Another set off but was really staggering. On her back was a heavy rucksack, covered in famous trademarks and bulging with lots of stuff. No shock when she crumpled under the burden. People tried to help but, no, she wanted to hold on to it. Stuck.

Then a guy who seemed really dazzled by the crowd. He’d been spotting the celebs, recognised a lot and was grabbing other runners to show them. Eventually, he spotted an actress and ran right off the track towards her to get a selfie. Never finished.

The fourth was a slight girl, perhaps Iranian, jogging along, her eyes fixed ahead. It was hard to see because further along the path was a prison cell door, fearsome weapons carefully trained on her and angry protestors screaming threats and insults. However, she was peering past them, wriggling her head to try to get a sight of the finishing line. What kept her going through all that horror? Then I saw.

The Lord. He’d just finished the race himself, it seemed. His track was like hers. A torture scaffold towered over, a cold grave, crowds baying and jeering, poverty, humiliation, degradation but, hey, look at him now, absolutely beaming with joy. “It’s finished”, he mouths, sitting at the right-hand of God himself and looking right back at her, loving, drawing and pouring strength and courage into her every step.

He’d completed the race, started and finished it. So would she.

Adoration: Lord Jesus, you loved me and gave yourself for me, I am embraced in your crucifixion and resurrection, now I live in you and you in me. I will fix my eyes on you, I draw strength from adoring you, strength to persevere, to finish the race. With the saints from every tribe, tongue and ethnos, from every age and beyond, I add my song of praise.


Worthy Is The Lamb


Twelve Years A Dad