Find Rest

Psalm 62:5 (NIV)

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.”

I love sleep! When I was younger, I was masterful at sleeping whenever I felt tired and often that skill would come in handy when my family had a 'layover' at an airport. Many of these would be in the middle of the night, for long periods of time and with no beds, pillows or blankets to make it comfortable. However, somehow I was able to curl up in a ball on a hard chair or lay down on a cold floor in the middle of a bustling airport and fall blissfully to sleep. I can assure you that now I wouldn't find it easy to do this and have had seasons where I have struggled to sleep; but in those earlier times I could fully rest because I knew my parents were there, staying awake, watching over me. I didn’t need to worry if I was going to get hurt or miss the plane because they would protect me or wake me up. I trusted that they wouldn’t leave me behind but instead look out for me and with that trust I could rest easy.

Today's verse speaks about finding rest in God and putting our hope and trust in Him. We can rest assured knowing that God is doing more than just looking out for us but that he is actively preparing tomorrow's way, having the best intentions and plans for our lives and he is in complete control. So we can trust him wholeheartedly and in that trust, peace will grow, and in that peace, we will find rest.

Prayer — God I thank you that you are here present with us. I pray today we can put all our trust in you and find peace and rest knowing you are watching over us.


Joy Inexpressible


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