Free But Not Cheap

Ephesians 2:8-9

‘For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.’

I came to know Christ in August 2018. Previously from a Buddhist background I naively thought that God Almighty was ‘Bruce’, Morgan Freeman’s character in the movie! God was fictional Hollywood stuff. Bearded and hovering on white fluffy clouds sprinkling blessings like fairy dust. I was also living life through a cultural/world merit system, earning my worth by striving for ‘good’ works.  

Paul said in this verse above ‘…it is the gift of God.’ Oh boy, how Jesus flipped it upside down! A gift? Without earning? Hang on... no catch? ‘Nothing is free in this world’ was what I was taught!

Truly, it isn't free, cheap or unconditional for Jesus. It came at a very high price as he willingly laid down his life for me, whilst I was sinning in disbelief and in deeds I wasn’t even aware of. When I first believed, I sobbed. Followed by this unshackling, overflowing forgiveness and immense love bathing me. From tears to joyful laughter all in an intimate moment. ‘Love, as I have loved you’ was whispered into my heart. I didn’t know it was a verse from John 15:12. In an instant, God breathed life back into me. The living God, came to my rescue, when I was lost.

What an amazing gift for the undeserved, yet so willingly given. The highest standard of righteousness and holiness can never be earned, or bought, through any religious legal system, which I grew up thinking that was the case. It is solely by the blood of Jesus on the Cross, once, and for all time. I can never look back and claim I have added any of my good works to it, or boast that I am more deserving than others, or even strive for it. This gift is not an exchange or measure of who we are, but who God is – full of grace and abundant love.

Reflection – Let the only good in us be Christ in us. Through Him, we have the greatest gift. Our need is complete.


Strength In Weaknesses


Acknowledged By The King