From Faith For Faith

Romans 1:17 (ESV)

“For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, The righteous shall live by faith.” 

A few years ago, I taught singing in secondary schools and often the students would come with a lot of ability and talent but with no confidence in themselves. They would want to sing or sound like someone else and would share with me their limitations - either that they could not reach certain notes or they did not have enough power in their voice. Helping them vocally achieve these goals could be solved with a few exercises and technical adjustments but the heart of the problem (which was harder to conquer) was their lack of self-belief. It would always take some time to get them to try; often I would have to first demonstrate that it was achievable but once they stepped out and gave it a go, things would start to change as they now believed that it was possible.

In the Bible Peter gained the faith to step out of the boat and walk on water after seeing Jesus do so and, once he had experienced what was possible through Jesus, that faith grew. Our faith grows by stepping out, trusting God and believing in what he can do. Like a continuous cycle, the more we see God working and moving in our life, the more our faith grows and the more we will put that faith into action. The initial step into the unknown can feel daunting but God has proved over and over again through the Bible that he can do all things. So let's go for it and see how much our faith can grow and God can move!

Prayer — Lord I pray that you can reveal yourself to us today and give us the faith to step out and put it into action and grow deeper in you.


I Am Content


Joy Inexpressible