Get Fed

Matthew 5:5-6 (NIV)

‘Blessed are the meek, 

for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, 

for they will be filled.’

In 2014 I moved from Australia to the UK with one suitcase and two guitars. Yes, my priorities were in order and if I had my time again I would leave the suitcase and bring a third guitar. Nearly 7 years (and eight houses) later I'd acquired all sorts of junk and wondered how my single suitcase managed to procreate so much stuff. Looking at my tiny, meek and mild Ford Fiesta I realised there was no way all this stuff was going to fit inside - it was time to call 'My mate Dave with the van' (don't we all have one of those?

 Are you feeling mild, gentle, small? Well, Jesus has good news for you! The humble inherit the earth. Get ready for a van load of inheritance. Maybe, like my Ford Fiesta, you don’t feel you have much to offer or much coming your way. It’s time to prepare your heart for God’s blessings. 

The blessings we passively receive require our surrendered participation. My personal experience of relationship with God is that he prepares the state of my heart to receive his blessings. Perhaps with you, as with me, he is re-ordering and purifying your hungry desires first. 

We all get hungry, but what are we eating? If you keep eating harmful substances then sadly you’ll be left even hungrier. But if it's righteousness you're hungry for, then God will feed you! Righteousness here means right living and right standing with God. If you desperately desire intimacy and close proximity to God, he comes close and gifts this to you. He doesn't let the spiritually hungry starve. He provides and we receive and eat the good gifts he has on offer. If you want more of him, he gives it. If you’re humble and your heart is open, you will inherit. 

Prayer Jesus I want to see your Kingdom Come in my life and in the world around me. Give me this appetite, keep changing my heart to desire you above all else. I love you Jesus! 


Mercy Encountered


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