God Equips Us

STOP THE PRESS: Tests have confirmed that last week’s contributor, Rachel Khor, is clear of cancer as of 7th June 2021. Her dad walks with Jesus now with her and attends GS online church; her husband will be baptised soon too. She shares this joy and goodness of God with the readers. 


Daniel 1:17

‘To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.’

Do you ever feel you are out of your depth? In a new situation unknown and a little bit scary? Daniel and his mates are in this exact situation. They have been removed from their loved ones, their community, their homeland and brought into the Babylonian court. They are out of their depth, in a foreign setting. But, as this passage shows, God has equipped them with the skills, understanding and knowledge to not just survive but to thrive.

What I love about this verse is that God gives them two types of understanding. He gives them understanding of the day-to-day things, the literature and the learning. But he also gives Daniel the understanding of supernatural things, of visions and dreams. As we see in the rest of the book these gifts enable Daniel and his friends to flourish, standing out from the other wise men in Babylon.

I don’t know where you are today, but find reassurance that God still equips us for what he has called us to. He provided for Daniel and his friends and he still provides for you today. When we are out of our depth or in a new situation God will give us what we need for the everyday, but he also gives us spiritual gifts to help us. In the midst of whatever life looks like for you, reach out to him, and he will equip you. For we know that God gives good gifts to his children when we ask.

Prayer – Jesus thank you that you equip me for what you have called me to. Help me to remember that no matter what situations I am in, you give me what I need.


Praying For God To Intervene


Magnify Him