God Is A Friend

Genesis 18:17 (NIV)

Then the LORD said, ‘Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?'

True friendships are those that always bring delight, but true friendship with God, as opposed to occasionally enjoying his presence, is something to set our heart's desire on. The words of an old hymn read: ‘What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer ‘. A deeply authentic relationship with him allows you to experience new levels of freedom, boldness, and joy.

Following the Lord's revelation to Abraham that he was going to destroy Sodom. Abraham's intercessory countdown begins: fifty... forty-five... forty... thirty... twenty... ten. I wonder why Abraham stopped praying when he did? It is important to note in the story of Sodom that the Lord only closed the matter and left when Abraham stopped pleading. It was clear that Abraham's relationship with God was one of boldness, humility, and persistence - up to a point - but he lacked the level of intimacy necessary to continue to plead in prayer for all he desired to see. 

On a personal level and as an encouragement to you, don't be afraid to go on expressing your vision and desires in prayer. We can lose confidence in a long (or short) held vision and think, 'Ah, I don't know. Maybe it's not his will. I won't ask again.'

Have you ever had a friend you could go to with the whole extent of your dreams and longings? Usually they'll affirm you're on the right track! When you take those things to true friends, they get behind you, champion you and help you. So it is with God. The good news is that boldness, humility and persistence in prayer opens up a level of intimacy with God that will allow us to see his plan (sometimes bit by bit) for what we are asking, desiring, and believing.

Prayer - God, empower me by your Holy Spirit today. I respond by asking for breakthrough and provision in the things I've long desired to see. Would you increase the level of intimacy between us by helping me to be more persistent in prayer and not constantly to label my desires as 'not your will'? 

So, I declare this – Kingdom of God come, Will of God be done!


Holy Week – Betrayal Part 1


God Is Unchanging