God Is Pleased

We’re taking a short break for the summer. Daily Devotionals will return on 06 September!

Genesis 1:31

‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good’ 

Mr. Thompson was the cool teacher at my primary school. He had spiky hair, a goatee, and drove a convertible. He taught PE on Wednesday afternoons which meant he was the only member of staff not in shirt and tie which only added to his coolness. Everyone loved him, and everyone wanted to impress him. 

The problem? He was only impressed by the kids who showed an aptitude for sport…. which I most definitely did not. Every Wednesday I would give my absolute best to tag rugby, laps of the play-ground, and throwing bean bags into a hoop (why did we all have to do that?) in the hope that one day I would hear his trademark ‘You’re awesome.’

Reader, I never heard those words. (All together: Aaaaw!)

The human spirit aches for approval, and it will seek it anywhere. The good news is God is not Mr. Thompson. You don’t have to look too intently to spot a pattern in Genesis 1. With every stage of creation God declares all he has made as ‘good.’ That pattern gets broken with the creation of mankind. After the sixth day 'God saw all he had made, and it was very good.’ (Vs 31). 

God’s foundational declaration over humanity is: 'very good.

This declaration was made before mankind had done anything noteworthy or significant. Before any major breakthrough, achievement or accolade. Like loving parents looking at their new-born, God is very pleased with all he has made - and that includes you. 

You don’t have to earn his affection or approval, you already have it. Before you go any further with your day spend a moment sitting in the reality that your Heavenly Father, the Maker of the universe, is pleased with you. You are his greatest delight, and the apple of his eye.

Prayer- God thank you for loving me before I ever loved you. Help me receive your love. Let the reality of your delight in me take root. I’m sorry for where I seek approval in other places; help me find fulfilment in you.


God in the Driver’s Seat


God Is Preparing