God Loves You More Than A Clock

Ruth 4:15-16 (NLT)

He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth.’ Then Naomi took the child in her arms and cared for him. 

I’ve recently become strangely obsessed with BBC’s The Repair Shop. If you’re not familiar with the programme, professional craftspeople bring broken and seemingly ruined pieces like clocks, teddies and dolls back to life. You begin watching and you couldn’t care less about the clock, and yet the dedication of the experts lures you in. They treat the clock with a level of care reserved for brain surgery, restore it and often make it even better and more beautiful than it was before.

As we finish the book of Ruth we realise that God is even more committed to restoration than the professional repairers of The Repair Shop. That’s right - he loves you more than a clock.

We throw around words like Redeemer, and sing songs about restoration, but it is so easy for us to forget God’s commitment and dedication to restoration and redemption. From the minute humanity messes up in the Book of Genesis, right through to the Book of Revelation, we see that God’s heart is to redeem and restore.

Naomi and Ruth’s story began with suffering and tragedy. Naomi lost her husband and two sons, and Ruth lost her husband and her future prospects. Yet as the story draws to a close in Ruth 4, we see a beautiful work of restoration. Ruth is married to Boaz and gives birth to a son. Ruth and Naomi’s story of death and tragedy has turned to birth and joy.

Today, remember that God is still just as committed to restoration and redemption. He cares for you more than a grandfather clock, and he wants to redeem what has been lost, to heal and restore, and make the situation into something even better and beautiful than it was before.

Prayer — God I present to you the broken, hopeless situations in my life. I have no idea what you can do with them, but I trust that you are Redeemer. Please would you restore what has been lost.


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