God Provides

1 Kings 17:2-6 (NIV) 

Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: 'Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.'

Has God ever called you into something that didn’t seem to check out?  Like when you pull all the receipts, do the maths and the numbers just don't add up. Financial, spiritual, emotional and practical 'stretch' is often characteristic of the things God asks of us. 

For Elijah, praying for drought not only threatened his own food and water supply, but also made him a target for King Ahab, whose Kingdom and rule were threatened by Elijah’s prayers. When God called the prophet into this radical ministry, the outcome and cost of his obedience lay in the unknown. In my experience, God usually calls us like this - we hear his direction, follow by faith and are then sustained by his provision one step at a time. Very rarely does God lay a clear, detailed road map out before us. 

Two truths I've learnt from Elijah about God's provision: firstly, it is unlocked only when Elijah reaches the place he is called to. As humans, we want assurances; to see the whole plan and provision, even grip it in our hands before we step out. But God asks us to trust him in the uncertain times: in quiet moments of obedience and dependence, we train our hearts to trust God for the whole journey.

The second truth is that even 'seasons of hiding' (or being hidden), of separation from others, of being out of the mainstream, are a gift and an opportunity from God. Sitting by that brook, drinking in the water provided by God and waiting for the heaven-sent food, Elijah must have experienced a level of intimacy with God as never before - each day, held and sustained by God, absorbing his love and learning to trust his heart. 

Retreats are good! Why not try one?

Prayer — God, help me to trust you more. Teach my heart to rely on your ways, leaning close to you as the God who provides.


God Rules


God Listens