God Sees Our Full Potential

Psalm 118:22,23 (NIV)

The stone the builders rejected
Has become the cornerstone;
The Lord has done this,
And it is marvellous in our eyes.     

When we moved into our current home, we extended the kitchen to make a bright space with high windows and bi-folding doors at the end. To support the structure a large metal beam had to be lifted into place. We, and the builders, held our breath as this was carefully manoeuvered. It had to be exactly the right size, perfectly balanced on two brick pillars and strong enough to hold the rest of the house - it was an anxious moment!

In ancient buildings, the cornerstone was the equivalent of our beam. It had to be chosen very carefully, it needed to be the perfect shape and size, strong and heavy because it was the main part of the foundations. All the key measurements of a building came from this stone.

Jesus quoted this Psalm when he was teaching in the temple area in Jerusalem. The Pharisees and teachers were watching Jesus and listening intently to the parables he told. They would be aware of the implication that they were the builders who would reject this Jesus who would become the foundation of our faith. 

I wonder if there are situations in our lives where we feel rejected: maybe a job, a relationship, or a family situation. Jesus says that those stones that the builder rejects can become the most important part of the building. The cornerstone carries the hopes and aspirations of the structure to come. Jesus sees the possibilities and the people we can become with him in our lives. I love the second part of the text showing how much God loves us to flourish and feel valued and special: ‘It is marvellous in our eyes’.

Prayer - Thank you Lord that you can see the great potential in us, and your delight is to see our longings come to fruition. 


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