God Strengthens

1 Kings 19:5-6 (NIV)

All at once an angel touched him and said, ‘Get up and eat.’ He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.

Sometimes following Jesus is pretty hard. I will spend my entire life marvelling in awe and wonder at who Jesus is and just trying to comprehend how he could love me as he does. But I have journeyed seasons where I’ve felt huge disappointment in myself and the things I see and experience in the world, broken as it is. Between what is now, and what God promises will be, there is a huge gap to be filled and to wrestle with. 

I don’t know what you struggle with in life, but I think most of us can relate to this moment in Elijah’s story. Having given so much of himself to God’s call on his life, it must have been almost impossible to keep going when those voices of fear and disappointment came crashing in. Fear of the worldly consequences of his choices and disappointment in the impact of his efforts, left Elijah weakened and wanting to give up. 

I think that life is always going to have times like this. Moments where we become so aware of our own unworthiness that it hurts deeply. And moments where we feel our resources have run dry and we just want to give up. But in every one of those low-points, the truth is that we are held and loved by a God who is faithful to his promises. When we feel overcome, a desperate cry to him and our God-Rescuer rushes to protect us and renew our strength in whatever battle we're facing. He sustains us with physical and spiritual rest, food and drink, reminding us of the truth that he is strong, even when we feel weak. 

2 Corinthians 12:10 '...my strength comes into its own in your weakness.' (MSG)

Prayer — Lord, you are our strength and our salvation. Thank you that you never leave or forsake us and that you never let us carry more than we can bear. We receive your strength afresh now.


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