He Thinks About Us

Psalm 40:1,5,17 (ESV) —

‘...he inclined to me and heard my cry

...you have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wonderful deeds and your thoughts towards us

...but the Lord takes thought for me.’

We continue to look at some incredible biblical truths.

Psalm 40 has three references to God thinking about us. The reality of God deliberately and intentionally thinking about every one of us (all at the same time) is amazing. How is this possible? This attention is not intended to make us defensive or uncomfortable but to reassure us of God’s personal care for our welfare and that he longs for a close day-to-day relationship with us.

Do we find it hard to hold together the sovereignty and wonder of the eternal, all-powerful creator God, with the personal, tender, compassionate father/friend portrayed in the story of the prodigal son?

Tyler Staton,* says this very well - ‘The incomprehensible Maker of the cosmos is also gentle, loving and personal. He is powerful enough to calm the storm and personal enough to patiently, presently listen with compassion in his eyes to the insecurities and fears of a single individual. He is powerful enough to heal the sick and personal enough to weep with the grieving. He is powerful enough to feed the nations and personal enough to pass the rolls across the common table.'

A.W.Towzer** has said that the most important thing for each of us, as Christians is our view of God. C.S. Lewis, disagreeing, said that ‘How God thinks of us is not only more important, but infinitely more important’.*** Maybe these are two sides of the same coin but it is really important for us to grasp the glorious truth of, and experience for ourselves, the very personal, caring, merciful, gentle Father God who likens himself in Matthew 23:37 to a mother hen, gathering chicks under her wings.

Prayer: Thank you Father for the caring personal attention you pay to us each and every day. Help me to get a clearer, more accurate awareness of who you really are.

    *T. Staton, Searching for Enough  

    **. A.W.Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy (

    *** C.S.Lewis, The Weight of Glory: And Other Addresses


Seated In Heavenly Places


Filled With His Fullness