Heavenly Perspective

Editor: This week our North Edgbaston Gas Street group will be sharing their reflections on NT Wright’s online study course: Letter to the Colossians (Chapter 3).

Colossians 1:1-2 –

‘Since then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.’

I love adventure. I crave new experiences and the excitement of stepping into the unknown. I find living for the Lord can be a bit this; like getting on a plane but not knowing the destination.

When we say ‘yes’ and surrender our lives to Christ, this is what life gets to look like every day. If we choose to surrender our programmes and our priorities and instead, shift our hearts and minds to ‘things above’, he reaches out and places heaven in our hearts- he gifts us with a heavenly perspective.

Heavenly perspective is both a privilege and a responsibility. A privilege, in that we get to see the earth as he sees the earth: a world that’s bigger than our circumstances. But it’s also a responsibility. What we carry in Christ is eternally significant and something we should steward well.

God wants to use us in the everyday mundane and ordinary parts of our lives. The truth about a life with Christ, is that when our minds shift to a heavenly perspective, nothing is ordinary. God wants to use us to be part of fulfilling the purposes of Christ wherever we are.

Today, look around and see where the Lord has placed you. What is ‘heaven’s work’? As you stand in line at the supermarket - might God want to speak to someone near you today? Or someone at work that needs some encouragement from you?

Prayer Lord as we step into this day, helps us to shift our focus from an earthly perspective to a heavenly perspective. As you intentionally place us where you need us, would you give us the courage to step out and fulfil the call you place in us. We pray for moments of breakthrough and for your Kingdom to come in our day.


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