Help Yourself To Help Others

[This week the Gas Street Operations Team look at Jesus from the perspective of their own roles]

Jesus as the Head of Ops by Mary Grinham

Matthew‬ 14:22-23‬ (MSG‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬)

As soon as the meal was finished, he insisted that the disciples get in the boat and go on ahead to the other side while he dismissed the people. With the crowd dispersed, he climbed the mountain so he could be by himself and pray. He stayed there alone, late into the night.

I’ve just searched online to find the top 10 books written on management and leadership - what a list! This particular search result included: ‘The Art of War’ (could be handy for some work meetings); ‘Good to Great’; ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, and the one that made me slightly nervous - ‘First Break all the Rules’! 

I’ve heard some of these quoted in sermons and at conferences and have a couple of them myself so I know how inspiring they can be. But reading a bestselling book, whilst it can be hugely helpful, isn’t going to make me a great manager. I need more than that.

Reflecting on my own experience, this is my conclusion: my effectiveness as a manager is all about my proximity to Jesus. Yes, I can read books, listen to podcasts, learn principles, but at the end of the day, my team will get the best deal if I’m walking closely with Jesus. It’s my ongoing intimate relationship with Jesus that is the source of energy, compassion, direction, wisdom and creativity. 

While our places of work will differ, we are all working for God whether we’re in paid employment or not. And we all influence other people. If I don’t invest in my own relationship with Jesus and look after myself, it’s so much harder to invest in anyone else. Jesus often withdrew to spend time with his Father - why would I think I can manage without? It’s during those times alone with him that I hear him speak to me - a gentle nudge to go and say sorry - a moment of inspiration - a new perspective - a fresh encounter - remembering again that I am loved regardless of what I achieve that day.

Whether you are managing a team, a family, a business or just yourself, be intentional about daily carving out time to be with Jesus. It will definitely change everything for you and will quite possibly change everything for the people in your care.

Prayer: Father, thank you that you long to spend time with me. Today as I take time to come away to be with you, please refresh me, encourage, speak to me and fill me again with your Spirit so I can live in the fulness of all you have for me.


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Chaos Into Order