Hidden Seeds

Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

‘See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?’

Death Valley in the Mojave Desert in California is hot. Not Brighton on a sunny day hot, but seriously hot, with a temperature of 134 degrees Fahrenheit being recorded, making it one of the world's hottest places. It also receives very little rain, with less than 6cm on average each year. In this barren landscape, beauty and life are difficult to find. However, in October 2015, they received 2.5-5cm of rain, resulting in widespread flooding, followed months later by a once in a thousand-year phenomenon…a 'Super Bloom'.

Vast swathes of the desert erupted with flowers…millions, tens of millions of hidden seeds buried in the depths of the arid soil had been activated by the previous year's flooding. Yellow' Desert Gold' and pink 'Desert Five Spot' wildflowers sprung forth, creating a carpet as far as the eye could see.

So many of us have seeds lying dormant in us. Dreams, desires, and callings that God has planted in us. Some were placed there from birth, some from childhood, some in adolescence and some in our adult years. Often we give up hope on those things ever coming to pass, as days, years, or even decades can pass; but God knows all of these and sees all of them. God can and will activate these seeds in his timing, bringing forth new life, gifting and more…just hold on to those things and trust in his timing.

Prayer – Lord, I ask that you fill me afresh today with your Holy Spirit, and I ask that you activate those hidden seeds within me. Please help me to be patient and to trust in your perfect timing.


Easter Saturday


Holy Week – Crucify