I Really Really Want A Dog

 John 14:26-27 (NLT) —

‘But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.’

I really want a dog. My parents will read this, so hi, I really want a dog! It’s worth clarifying that I want my parents to get a dog so that they can look after the dog, and I can visit it.

It was my birthday recently and I was so ready for my birthday dog (or as ready as you need to be for a dog that’s not going to live in your home.) 

My birthday came and went, and spoiler alert: no dog.

In GS Kids we talk about the Holy Spirit being a gift God wants to give us, and each week we invite the Spirit to fill us. We open our hands as a way of showing we’re ready for the gift, just as I was ready for my dog.

We then wait. Sometimes big things happen, sometimes it’s little things, and sometimes nothing. I often ask our kids ‘did anyone feel anything’ and am greeted with silence. But we remind ourselves that we don’t have to ‘feel something’ for the Holy Spirit to have met with us. We remind ourselves of God’s promises - that as we draw near to him, he draws near to us.

When we’re inviting the Spirit, some kids open their hands and scrunch their eyes. They are very ready!

Obviously, we don’t need to force it, but as adults I do think we could sometimes increase our readiness, and then decrease our reliance on ‘feelings’ in that moment. 

The Spirit is a good gift. We feel the impact of some good gifts immediately, and others less so. The latter doesn’t mean the gift isn’t good, and it also doesn't mean we didn't get the gift. Instead let’s learn to be expectant, but also expectant of impact, rather than feelings.

Response: Holy Spirit, please come and fill me today. Thank you that every time I ask you to fill me, you do! I wait for this gift now … do whatever you want to do! Help me to remember that you are bigger than my feelings.


The Ruthless Imitation Of Christ


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