I’m Getting Ready

Luke 12:46

The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of.

My mum is a marvel at Christmas. With six kids in the family, Christmases in our house were quite the operation and my mum has nailed how to prepare for Christmas so that she can really enjoy the day with us all. I don’t know if it's the same for you but that means the few days before Christmas are FULL ON - the Christmas Dinner is prepared, the presents are wrapped (or if you’re like me the last-minute Christmas shopping is done), the whole house is cleaned from top to bottom. If the Queen decided to make a surprise visit to the Lynch household on Christmas Day, it is the one and only day of the year that we would be ready.

But we don’t live most of our lives in this way, right? The passage today raises the question: are we ready for the coming Messiah. 

When we read the Christmas story it is apparent that very few had remained expectant, ready and waiting for the prophesied Messiah. In fact, most were unprepared for his coming: many spiritually distracted so that they didn’t recognise Jesus, others having allowed their faith to be corrupted in the waiting. As for us today, yes today, Jesus instructs us to be prepared - like sentinels and servants, watchful and expectant, ready when the Master returns.

Prayer — Jesus, help us to remain expectant for you. By your Spirit would you come and sanctify us, intensifying our thirst for your Word and reviving our hunger to know you better.


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