Immeasurably Great Power

Ephesians 1v18-19 (ESV) —

‘… having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know …. what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe.’

This week I'd like us to look at some incredible truths in Scripture. These days we use the word 'incredible' to mean amazing or spectacular or remarkable but its underlying meaning is unbelievable, beyond belief. Both are appropriate for many Bible truths and I want to give you some examples. The Bible writers (and Paul in particular) seem to want to push the boundaries of words and expressions to get across the wonders of who God is and what he has done for us. Paul is constantly praying that his readers will understand and know the truths of our salvation and God’s amazing provision for us.

In his letter to the Ephesian church, Paul wants us to grasp how immense God’s power is and that this power is working ‘toward us’. He uses the words immeasurable greatness: it cannot be measured or limited or contained, is endless, infinite and nothing can resist it.

Can you think of something really powerful, either in this world, in the universe, or in God’s actions since the beginning of creation? I have just seen TV pictures from Nasa’s new space telescope, showing ‘cluster bends’ and galaxies, detecting events that took place more than 13.5 billion years ago. This is what our God created and what he sustains by the ‘word of his power’. Paul, in Ephesians 1, says 'by the power that raised Jesus from the dead, seated him in heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion’. Power we can’t comprehend or imagine.

It is this same power that God directs towards each of us, his children! It is a power not to blow us apart but to save us, protect us, provide for us, enable us, change us, use us and ultimately elevate us to glory.  Wow!

Prayer- Lord I want to appreciate and recognise more of your amazing power. I stand in awe at who you are and thank you for working powerfully in my life.


Filled With His Fullness


I Am The One And Only