Give Thanks To The Lord

Psalm 136:1 (NIV)

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever.

This week, we have journeyed through Bible passages that teach us thankfulness is not a suggested practice but fundamental to our faith. It's a daily practice that allows us to become more aware of his presence in our lives, and today, we give thanks because he is inherently good, and the source of all that is good.

We also give thanks because 'his love endures forever'. That line is repeated 25 times in this Psalm. In each verse it's followed by something the Lord has done or is doing. It allows us to meditate deeply on the truth that the steadfast love of God lasts forever. His love is constant, unwavering, and everlasting. No matter what happens in our lives, we can always hold on to this truth: his love for us will never end. His love for you today, tomorrow, next week, next month, and for billions of years is steadfast. 

Take a moment today to reflect on the past week. Has this focus on thanksgiving made any difference? You might want to take a moment to write down a list of things you're thankful for. I used to think I would only have a few things to list, but when you and I really get going, we'll end up with way more than we imagine! 

Prayer — Jesus, stretch me in this. Please help me to not get overfamiliar with what you've done in my life. Thank you that your love for me doesn't change or waver. Let my life reflect this truth. 


Rejoice In The Lord


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