Is, Therefore, Though

Kookie is a lawyer and church warden of Gas Street Church

Psalm 46:1-3 (NIV) 
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way, and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

What3Words is a geolocation system that has split the world into square grids. Each square has a unique combination of words (e.g. ‘rocks.pencil.label’) that enables people to describe exactly where they are, especially helpful when in trouble! 

The psalmist describes a time of trouble. Maybe you’ve been facing your own ‘earth giving way’ days, weeks, or months. I have good news! There are three words in this passage that can help us in our own urgent times of need “is.therefore.though”. 

Is - The passage firstly invites us to reflect on who God is. He is both our safe place and stability. We can rest assured that we do not fight what we face each day with our own strength. Knowing who God is, and seeing him rightly, allows us to see ourselves, those around us and our situations rightly too. In times of trouble there is no greater comfort than knowing the character, nature, and ability of the One who we have in our corner!

Therefore - This is an invitation to respond. If God is our refuge and strength, 'an ever-present help in trouble', then what should our response be? The Psalmist tells us it is to - 'not fear'. I wonder if that deeper revelation of who God is and the truth of his magnitude and power, can lead us to more frequently respond with confidence ‘We will not fear!’ 

Though - It is no mistake the word 'though' is mentioned in our scripture. It is an acknowledgment that there are challenging things to face. We look at the world around us and there is so much to discourage us, but let our confession be that if God is who he says he is, we will not fear, despite the chaos.

Action: I invite you to complete the gaps below for where you are at today and speak it over your week ahead: 

God is [ ____ ] 
Therefore I will [ _____ ] 
Though [ _____ ] 


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