Jesus Is Amazing

John 5:39-40 (MSG)—

‘You constantly have your heads in your Bibles because you think you’ll find eternal life there. But you miss the forest for the trees. These Scriptures are all about me! And here I am, standing right before you.’

 I study theology and love to discuss the big questions of faith. I was recently in a series of lectures on the Trinity. They sparked conversations in which big words like ‘perichoresis’ and ‘homoousion’ were used – I didn’t know what they meant either!

 As I left I was met by a dog walker who asked me what was going on in the building; I informed him it was a bible college and we were studying theology.

 His eyes widened. He told me he was a Christian. He told me of his mother who died when he was young. He told me how he battled with depression throughout his teen years. He told me how hopelessly difficult things were when someone invited him to church where, in his words, ‘everything changed’.

 He said he had been a Christian for over 40 years. Then with the sincerity and passion of a child, he leant in and said, ‘Jesus is amazing, don’t you ever forget that.' He walked away.

 I cried on the street. And on the train home. And that evening as I recalled the encounter. I realised I was like the Pharisees Jesus had spoken with in John 5:39. I had my head in my Bible, so eager to learn, and yet I had forgotten the reason I was there in the first place. Jesus is amazing.

 We all forget sometimes. I’m grateful for the dogwalker who reminded me so today let me do that for you.

 Jesus is amazing!

 Why not take a few moments to sit in that truth today? Recall your favourite stories from his life, the things he has done in your life or the lives of those you know.

 ACTION – become the dog walker. Why not text a friend, or five, and just remind them ‘Jesus is amazing!’  


A Punch In The Face


It Was God All Along