Knowing vs Knowing

Ephesians 3:19 (NLT)
May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.

Recently I found myself in a conversation discussing the complexity of God’s love. I was so grateful to be in a conversation where we could both agree that although we know God loves us, it can sometimes be hard to digest. 

For instance, I know that Jesus died for me, but have I really comprehended that the living God who created the cosmos sent his only Son out of love for me? Do I truly know that I need not do anything to gain or deserve his love?

I know Jesus saved me, but do I fully understand that Jesus saved me because he delights in me? (Psalm 18:19) 

In this verse, Paul tells us that our brains cannot fully understand the love of Christ. Our finite knowledge cannot comprehend an infinite God's infinite love. In other words, we cannot even begin to comprehend the width, depth, and breadth of God’s love! No matter how many times we tell ourselves the limit of our human knowledge can never come close to understanding the love of God.

So, if you and I can’t fully understand God's love what does that mean for us? Well, Paul says to the church in Ephesus ‘May you experience the love of Christ’. If we cannot fully understand agape love, we must experience it! The fullness of life and power comes from experiencing God's love for you and me daily. And let’s remind ourselves when seeking God's love, this is not something he gives, it is who he is. God IS love - we experience him.

Prayer - Lord Jesus, thank you that you are greater than I could ever imagine. I pray I would experience you, your love for me, in this moment.


My Father's Tender Love


Love Himself