Learn To Be Faithful

Luke 16:10,13

‘Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.’

When I was a kid I really really really wanted a dog. Neither of my parents had ever had a dog before so they were naturally a little nervous. I promised that I would walk it, and I would feed it, and I would look after it. I think that made them more nervous. So when I was 7 years old, they bought me a hamster instead. I named him Hector Brandon Fluffy Jackson. My parents told me that if I cleaned out his cage and fed him and looked after him, we could talk about getting a dog. Two years later, my parents brought home a German Shorthaired Pointer puppy called Chandos. I was the happiest kid on the planet.

One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much. We’ve been looking at the parable of the Dishonest Manager this week and Jesus finishes off the story by talking about faithfulness. Jesus, much like my parents, starts us off with a hamster with the promise that if we can show ourselves to be faithful with the hamster, he’ll give us a dog to look after.

What has God given you to look after? Maybe he’s given you people to love and care for. Perhaps he’s given you a vision or particular gifts. Or he might have just given you a hefty bank balance. Whatever it is, God promises that there’s more where that came from. What you have to look after now is small fry compared with what God will give you. But God only gives dogs to those that take good care of their hamsters!

Prayer Thank you Father for all the good things that you have given me. Please help me to be faithful in the small things today.


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