Devoted Listening

Isaiah 30:21 –

‘Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”’

It’s the end of a week. We started out thinking about the mission of the early church after Jesus left them and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. In Acts we read how their mission was fuelled:

‘They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’

The last is a devotion which we will probably be - ‘yup, knew that one - got it sorted, I know how to pray.’ Well can I just stop you right there? Do we really know what it is to pray? I mean - devoted to it…

Remember that these people, the community of the first church, had a mandate to change the world. The entire planet was reached with the good news after generations passed it on. That does not happen without a serious amount of devoted prayer.

This would not have been possible without a massive, faithful commitment to hearing from God. Prayer is too often used as a shopping list of wants or needs. We say our bit and move on. But all conversations should be two-way (or one of the people involved will soon get pretty annoyed!) Prayer is a conversation with God not just ‘talking to God’.

One of my favourite phrases in the Bible is Acts 15:28 – ‘It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.The disciples were in a conversational-type relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit - in constant communication. Always checking in.

It’s a great way to think about prayer – a devotion that goes beyond our usual ‘quiet time’. There is something good and right about spending dedicated time to pray - but we also need the conversation to carry on throughout the day. I was chatting to a friend about a baptist minister I knew when we lived near Heathrow (back when there were constant flights) and he said that every time he heard a plane go over he would pray. 

Constant, throughout the day, moments to pray. What could you use to prompt prayer? 

This is being devoted, waiting, listening and expecting to hear from the Holy Spirit. Why not start your day with a simple prayer that I often use: “What shall we do today God? Holy Spirit what’s the plan for today?” Then I wait to hear –this is the way, walk in it.’

It might just transform your prayer life!

Prayer – Heavenly Father, thank you that you sent your Holy Spirit to be your presence on earth – and to live within me. Thank you that you are always there, so today I commit to being fully devoted, 100% fully on board with seeing what the plan is today… What shall we do today Spirit? Who do I need to speak to, how can I be a blessing, where will we go today? I want to know your words at work in me Jesus, I want to be fully engaged in this community called the church, remind me of who you are and what you have done for me and lead me in conversation today. 

Let’s get to this. I’m in. I praise you Jesus, Amen.


Full Of Joy


Devoted Focus