Living Large

Proverbs 11:24 [MSG]

‘The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller.’

One of the great privileges of my life was serving under and alongside an amazing man called Mike Pilavachi. Mike is well known for pioneering the remarkable youth movement Soul Survivor which has had an incredible impact on countless lives. I learnt so much from Mike, but perhaps the thing that challenged and shaped me the most was his generosity. It was nearly impossible to go out for a meal together without him paying the bill. He would be generous with his words and time ensuring people felt loved and believed in. It’s what made him so much fun to be around.

There’s a biblical principle that we reap what we sow (2 Corinthians 9:6). Giving expands our hearts and lives and positions us to receive more of God. When we give radically and generously it doesn’t simply change us; it changes people, places and situations around us. 

We see beautifully this principle of extraordinary generosity in the early church. They were radical in their approach to giving. At times they would give everything: selling fields, possessions and occasionally all they had, to sow into the expansion of the Kingdom of God. This radical and generous living led to the rapid growth of Christianity throughout Rome and beyond. Christianity spread because no one could match their beauty of living.

One of our values as a church is that we would be generous. A generous people will always be a great blessing to those around them. A generous church will be light for the city.

Reflection – How could you grow in generosity? Where are you holding tightly to your money and possessions, sowing sparingly? Let’s take a moment to ask God by His Spirit to free us to live bold, expansive lives. What could you do today to begin the journey of generosity?


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The Greatest Investment