Loving You, Loving Me

Romans 12:10 

“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other”

Well.. we’re here. Christmas is right around the corner and after yet another crazy trip around the sun, we have just a few short days to reflect on what’s past and look forward to the year ahead! This week, I would love to take a moment each day to pause and reflect on the heart of the Christmas season.

Today, the first and perhaps the most obvious theme is all about LOVE. Why? Because at the centre of the Christmas story is the most extravagant display of love for us: that God would send his only son to buy for us eternal life. In this small, lowly birth, all of creation is swept up into the love between Father, Son and Holy Spirit and we get this glimpse of the harmonious love that will exist for us in eternity. Love that is neither jealous nor competitive but is complete and unifying. Love that pours out because we first were loved by him. Love that is genuine and delights in each other. Love that knows no bounds. 

C.S. Lewis writes this, 'When he died in the wounded world He died not for me, but for each man. If each man had been the only man made, He would have done no less. Each thing, from the single grain of dust to the strongest eldil* is the end and the final cause of all creation and the mirror in which the beam of his brightness comes to rest and so returns to Him.' **

Prayer — Holy Spirit, help us to love wholeheartedly this Christmas. God, as we reflect upon your great gift of love to us, would you free us to love each other in true harmony.

* fictional angels ** CS Lewis 'The Space Trilogy'




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