
Psalm 90:1 (NIV) —

‘ Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.’

Ma’on - Our dwelling place.

Dwelling with God is existing with God. It is residing in his presence and enjoying all that comes from being near him. It is where there is no expectation to be anything apart from the truth of who you are. And it is where we experience the fullness of him. It speaks to the stability and dependability of God, highlighting his reliable and consistent nature.

With the busyness of life, it can become so easy to just 'visit' God: when we've got a moment, he is someone we can go to; when we are empty, we can seek him to fill us.

But what would it look like to make him the place where we reside? Where our lives start and stop with him. Where we create habits that build a level of comfort and familiarity with his voice. And where closeness to him builds a trust which brings ease when surrendering to his ways.

One definition of 'dwell' is to stay as a permanent resident. We cannot afford to commune with God only when we are in need or empty; we are selling ourselves short of knowing the fullness of him.

There is no striving when we dwell, just being - and in God’s kindness he meets us and communes with us. When we dwell with God, he no longer becomes a place we pick and choose to go to, but we enter into a relationship that is inextricably intertwined with our whole existence.

The world tells us to GO; the Psalms say ‘selah’ - pause, reminding us to remain in his presence.

God offers the ultimate safe space to you. As we head into the weekend, let’s intentionally choose to make him our home.

Action: Create space this weekend to simply be in his presence.


Who Do You Say I Am?


Jehovah Rohi