Psalm 24:1(NIV)

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.

There is a chair at our dinner table that all our children want to sit on. I’ve no idea what is special about this chair. It is the same as all the other chairs around the table. But the argument seems to kick off during family meals. Words like 'mine,' 'my chair,' 'I’m sitting here,' are bandied around. I’m sat there thinking, 'Actually it’s my chair. I paid for it!'

From a young age we become fixated on what is ours. What belongs to me! This deep-rooted selfishness stands in contrast to the limitless generosity found in the heart of God. As followers of Jesus there is always a journey to be made for us to realise that everything we have is God’s. Our possessions, the food we eat, the relationships we enjoy, the breath in our lungs, the strength in our bones - it’s all a gift bestowed on us.

I’ve found this chart below so helpful and challenging in considering my attitude towards giving. I wonder which quadrant you are sitting in? Do you consider your money belongs ultimately to you, but perhaps feel a tug to give more. Perhaps you’ve been a Christian a while and you tithe believing that 90% of your money is yours with God getting 10%. The ultimate destination is understanding that everything we have is God’s. As David writes, 'The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.' (Psalm 24:1) It’s in understanding this that we become free to give radically. 

Reflection and prayer Take a moment to reflect honestly on your attitude towards money. Lord, your Word says that every good and perfect gift comes from you. Liberate me to be generous in every way with all that you’ve blessed me with. Change my mindset from 'mine' to 'yours'.


Hard-Wired to Give


Releasing Divine Power