No More Sea

Revelation 21:1 (NIV)—

‘Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.’

 I love the sea and so this little detail included in the Book of Revelation about heaven weighs heavy on my heart – ‘no longer any sea’. I would be on board if it said there was no sand – I hate sand– but why no sea?

 I don’t understand much of the Book of Revelation, but one thing to remember is that it is rich in symbolism. There are layers of meaning and centuries of interpretation, but today I’m thinking of one possibility.

 Let’s remember who is having this vision – John, the beloved disciple. Since the first time we meet him in the Bible, he has had a relationship with the sea. He was a fisherman and the sea played a significant role in his life. Significant but not always pleasant:-

 1)   The sea was the place of strife. On two occasions he spent the whole night in a boat fishing only to catch nothing. Hard work. Longs hours. No reward. Sea meant strife.

 2)   The Sea was the arena of storms. Twice we see John in the middle of the sea caught in a storm. He was terrified and greatly distressed. Sea meant storms.

 3)   The Sea caused separation: At the time of John's revelation, he is exiled to an island. Surrounded by sea, separated from friends and family. Sea meant separation.

 In emphasising that in heaven there is no sea, maybe John is telling us something profound: Heaven is a place of no more strife, storms or separation.

 Are you striving to be content? Does life feel like a storm? Do you feel a sense of separation? Hear John’s encouragement. There is a place you are destined for - a heavenly home, and there will be no longer any sea. A place where striving will cease, storms will be stilled, and separation a distant memory.

 Prayer - Thank you for the promise of a place with no sea. Help me live hopeful today. Help me draw strength and peace from your promises.


It Was God All Along


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