Nothing And Everything

Acts 3:6 (NIV)

‘Then Peter said, ‘Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.’

During my undergraduate study, I did my placement in Charlotte, North Carolina. One Sunday evening I got home and couldn’t find my bag. Which wouldn’t have been a big deal apart from the fact it had my passport in it. I called the bus station office hourly to check if it had been handed in - with no luck. The next day I headed to the office; as I was walking there an older woman stopped me to ask if I had any dollars to give. I was teary-eyed and apologised and told her I had nothing because I’d lost my bag. She then asked to pray for me and said I would find it. As soon as I had walked into the office the admin lady had my bag in her hand. Somebody had handed it in minutes before. I opened it and not one dollar had been taken (pretty much unheard of in Charlotte). I went to try and find the older lady but couldn’t. I never got to say thank you.

I was so encouraged by her faith. This was someone in need, who knew what she carried and imparted it to me in the moment I needed it most. I have been challenged to become more aware of the power that I have through Jesus. Not confidence in my own ability but God’s: that this confidence would push me to live a life that’s focused on others. These days people have so many questions and it's harder to find answers but what we have is the power, through Jesus, to see the impossible made possible. To share this is the most generous thing we can do.

Though ‘silver and gold’ are a blessing opening doors and providing opportunities, far better is the access to divine power we have through Jesus! Let us be confident to step out so that God’s power can be seen and felt in miraculous ways.

Prayer – Lord would you give me the boldness and faith to step out in my world to see miracles happen in my every day.


God And Ghosts


The Ultimate Know It All