Our Daily Bread of Trust

Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths.

First, I have to mention the amazing song inspired by this verse -'Nothing I hold on to' by Will Reagan and United Pursuit. If you haven’t already listened to it, I highly recommend you do!

Just like yesterday's verse, today's calls us to rely on the love and strength of God.

As much as I like to believe I am always right, the fact of the matter is I am not. And more than this, in the grand scheme of things, I really don’t know much at all. I am a victim of my limited human understanding. 

There's a wonderful quotation from Carl Sagan when he talks about the picture of the earth from the Voyager spacecraft: ‘Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, loved out their lives’

This perspective can seem a bit scary at first as we humans are limited in our understanding: we only see our own little bubble. However, this quotation should not be scary - it should be freeing! God is infinitely vaster than the 200 billion trillion stars in our observable universe. He sees the BIGGEST picture. And he has asked us to rely on him! It’s a no-brainer! 

Just as children trust their parents, we are called to trust God. He knows infinitely better than we do, and he promises to direct our paths.

Today, take time to reflect on areas when, instead of trusting the Lord of Heaven and Earth, you may be relying on your own understanding, maybe places where you haven’t turned to God for guidance. And rest in the promise God gives. Lean on his understanding and let him make your paths true and straight.

Prayer - Lord I am so sorry for all the times I fail to trust you and your promises. Holy Spirit, lead me deeper into trust.


Our Daily Bread of Rest


Our Daily Bread of Love