Patience In The Waiting

Romans 12:2

‘Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.’

I was recently asked to record a video for The Orchard Women on the fruits of the Spirit, focussing on ‘patience’, and it actually made me laugh out loud, as out of all of the gifts of the Spirit this is the one I lack most.  Some people are known for their patience in waiting for answers, in waiting for the miracle...I am not that person. I am the one pacing the carpet, the one saying, 'I have to wait for 7-days, nope, I can’t do that.' I wondered if that's why I’d been asked to talk on it! However, because of my lack, I do spend time trying to nurture and grow this particular gifting. says patience is a person's ability to wait something out or endure something tedious without getting riled up. The Bible says a lot more: let’s read our verse, slowly, again ‘Rejoice in hope…(pause)… be patient in tribulation… (pause)… be constant in prayer’ There is the key: when things are rough and out of control, we are asked to wait and constantly pray. 

I have learned the only way I survive in the 'waiting room' is by focussing my trust on God: to constantly acknowledge that he knows the outcome of every situation, and even though I don't know what tomorrow may bring, he does. If I fill my mind with scriptures, good preaches, and worship music, that helps me. (It also helps to watch a good Netflix series and read a gripping novel!) I need to keep my faith level high and leave little room for the enemy to overtake my thought life, and I am guessing I will be learning to cultivate this gift of the Spirit until the day I die. Until then, I ask God for grace in this area; I lean on my family and friends to help me in seasons of waiting and accept it's ok to pace the carpet; I just need to pray whilst I am walking.

Prayer – Lord, please help to develop the fruits of the Spirit in my life. Where I find myself lacking or mess up, forgive me, ask, and lead me in your ways to grow.




Expectant Of Good Things