Peace And Justice

Ephesians 2:14 (NIV) —

‘For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility’

In my life I have overcome a number of barriers. Some have been physical and some have been mental, as I’ve let the unwanted opinions of others scar my mind. We all have barriers to being fully who we are and fully united with each other. As Paul writes, Jesus destroyed the barrier between Jews and Gentiles, and he’s still destroying the barriers people build between themselves today.

Martin Luther King Jr lived and died battling against injustice. In a speech about the violent and racist backlash against a black student attending the university of Alabama, (who was eventually asked to leave for her own safety), he said: ‘But peace is not merely the absence of tension, but the presence of justice.’ The peace he talked about, and the peace Paul is saying Jesus is, is synonymous with justice. In Christ, there is no dividing wall of hostility, only true peace. This is what the church should be built on.

So, how do we bring peace and unity into the church? Well, we were given two ears, two eyes and one mouth. I’ve always believed if we spend 40% of our time listening, 40% looking and 20% speaking kindly and carefully, our first step to unity is already done. We cannot love people if we do not see or hear them.

When meeting someone new, try not to put them into a box. Pray to see them and hear as they truly are. We are all complex, unique, and deep human beings, who are never just one thing. God loves us and asks us to love each other. Our aim is to build a unified church, and peace for all.

Prayer - Father, remind me daily that human diversity is an expression of your love. I confess that in my brokenness I have not always seen others as you see them. Give me the wisdom and courage to love others as you have loved me and help us to build with you a united church.


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