Perseverance, Character and Hope

Romans 5:3 (NIV)
We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character and character hope.

As we read yesterday in Psalm 1, meditating on God’s word encourages us not to give up in hard times.

In his garden, a small boy noticed a chrysalis containing a butterfly struggling to get out; he was worried that it was taking time and that the butterfly was finding it difficult to get free. So he found a small pair of scissors and cut the side of the chrysalis to let it out. But the butterfly couldn’t spread its wings, because the process of the struggle strengthens the wings to enable flight.

I wonder if you are a bit like me: if things are taking a bit too long to improve or if I see someone struggling, I want to help and fix the situation now in the best way I can. We are in a rush to get things sorted and moved on. 

Paul knew all about suffering. He was often in prison, and treated very badly because of his faith. He tells us in Romans that perseverance leads to character. Perseverance is not a very popular word - we immediately imagine running marathons, studying for exams, sticking with something we don’t like. The dictionary says perseverance is doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. 

God is encouraging us to stay close to him, prayerfully listening to his voice and reading his Word. It's tough sticking with a situation that may be difficult or struggling with unmet needs, relationship difficulties, long-term illness, or disability. As we stick with God through the difficult times, our desire is that this perseverance will bring patience, an alert expectancy and trust for whatever God will do next - our hope in him is renewed.

Prayer - Dear Heavenly Father, help us today to be patient and persevere with the difficult situation in our lives that we struggle with, and show us that there is always hope with you by our side.


Calming the Storm


Meditate on the Word