Power In Weakness

2 Corinthians 12 v 9-10 (ESV) 

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weakness …… For when I am weak then I am strong.”    

I wonder if weakness and our awareness of it are almost a prerequisite if we want God to work powerfully in our lives? We have many flaws and weaknesses and the sooner we get to recognise that the better. Isn't it the case that when we struggle and are weak, we are more inclined to seek God’s help and strength, but in the areas where we feel capable and confident we think we can manage quite well on our own?  

Sometimes God chooses to allow us to experience difficult situations, to get the message across that we really do need his help and support. I recently was working hard to resolve a problem I felt quite capable of sorting out, but I was getting more and more frustrated that my efforts were not successful. I felt God say to me - it’s your responsibility to obey me in how you approach this, and it is my responsibility to determine the outcome - not yours. This took the pressure off that I was creating for myself: I needed to realise that I couldn’t control or predetermine the situation. 

There are many biblical examples of God giving the Israelite nation victory without them having to fight. There are also many examples of individuals having to learn that they needed God’s help before they could be used (Moses, Joseph, David, Peter, Paul). Moses was trained as a leader but when he tried to do it his way, he killed an Egyptian and had to flee for his life. When, after 40 years shepherding in the desert, God called him to a leadership role, he was convinced that he couldn’t do it. But God then used him greatly and spoke to him face to face, in a remarkable way. 

So, for God to use us and display his power in our lives, we need to tread a path of weakness, humility and letting go of control, allowing him to work through us.  

Prayer  Lord I need your power in my life. Forgive me when I think I can manage quite well without you; help me to trust that you will empower me to live and serve you. I offer you my weaknesses and my strengths. In Jesus’ name.


Power To Suffer And Endure


Power to Know